この件に関しては、米国の政治学者であるCas Muddeジョージア大学教授の連続ツイートが興味深いのだが、それは本エントリの最後に補足するとして、早速本題に入ろう。
Ultimately, pollsters stress, polling remains as much an art as a science, necessitating hard judgments not just about how different kinds of people respond to polls, but how they will end up actually voting. “We are constantly running to catch up,” said Wells. “Every election, there will be something different.”
文中の "Wells" は人名で、この記事のもう少し上に出てくる "Anthony Wells, head of European political and social research at the pollster YouGov." のことである。つまり、このパラグラフの最後の2文は、調査会社YouGovの人のコメントである。
太字で示した《as much A as B》は《比較》(同等比較)を含んだ表現。江川泰一郎『英文法解説』では、p. 170において、not so much A as Bの肯定の形として扱われている。
今回の実例の文、"polling remains as much an art as a science" はこのまま暗記してしまってもよいくらいによい例文だが、remainsという動詞(「依然として~であり続ける」)がちょっとわかりにくい場合はis(「~である」)に置き換えて、"Polling is as much an art as a science." として暗記例文にしてもよいだろう。
この "art" は、絵画とか彫刻のような「芸術、美術」の意味ではなく、「技術、技能」の意味。artは基本的に、キリスト教世界の概念では、神の手で作られるもの(例えば花)ではなく、人の手で作るもの(例えば花の絵)のことを言う。この文例の場合は「職人技」ということだろう。長年の経験に基づいた微妙な匙加減が重要になる、というような。
..., necessitating hard judgments not just about how different kinds of people respond to polls, but how they will end up actually voting.
下線で示した "necessitating" は《現在分詞》で、ここは《分詞構文》。この前の部分から続けると、「世論調査は、科学であるのと同様に、技芸であるということに変わりはなく、難しい判断を必要とする」。
青字で示した《not just[only] A but B》の構造は、この "hard judgements" を説明するabout ~をひっぱってきていて、「Aに関するものだけでなく、Bに関する難しい判断も」。
このAの部分が、"about how different kinds of people respond to polls", Bの部分が "how they will end up actually voting" で、「さまざまな属性の人々がどのように調査に反応するかだけでなく、その人たちが最終的に実際にどのように投票するか」。
“We are constantly running to catch up,” said Wells. “Every election, there will be something different.”
というところで、以下は補足。上の方に書いておいたCas Mudde教授のツイートから:
I am getting a distinct US 2016 feeling as I follow the election results in #Brazil 🇧🇷
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
Fortunate, Brazil does have a democratic system, and winner needs 50% of the vote. After 20% counted, #Bolsonaro is still at 48%, barely gone down since 0%.https://t.co/rTlP2ZN6qC
ただしブラジルは、米国のような謎めいた「選挙人」制度ではなく、実際に有権者が投じた票がそのまま数えられるので(米語でいうpopular vote)、米国式の謎の逆転はない。そのことが "Brazil does have a democratic system" という記述の内容だ。その上、誰かが50%以上投票しない限りは当選者が確定されない。
Appropriate that at 666 #Bolsonaro would still be in the lead. 😉
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
Next update: Lula should (finally) overtake Bolsonaro. pic.twitter.com/6tRMOE9eqM
And there it is, for the first time tonight!!! pic.twitter.com/cDaWVy38dz
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
I've seen enough. Worst possible #Lula victory in first-round of #brazilianelections today. Much more worried now for second round for the following reasons.#Eleicoes2022 #Thread 🧵
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
1. #Lula wins 47%-48%, which is in line with average of polls. So, this is good, but...
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
His lead over Bolsonaro is just 3-4%.
2. #Bolsonaro wins 43%-44%, which is 5-10% more than most polls predicted.@BrazilBrian had said that some experts had been skeptical about the polls. I doubt they expected such a difference.
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
3. To be clear, I still expect #Lula to win the second round.
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
HOWEVER, the margin will be small. Not just single digit, possible just 3-5%.
AND, this is without something dramatic happening in between that swings it for Bolsonaro (remember the stabbing attack?).
4. All of this significantly increases the credibility of "stolen elections" narrative among Bolsonaro supporters and thus the possibility of post-electoral violence.
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
- small margin of victory
- polls heavily underestimated Bolsonaro
- Bolsonaro will lead for much of the night
5. There are very strong similarities to US 2020 elections.
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
- Trump/Bolsonaro do (much) better than expected, despite similar/higher turnout.
- They are defeated with small margin (in US more in Electoral College terms).
- Both could/would have won without #COVID19
6. Interestingly, while much of the business and media elite soured on Bolsonaro/Trump, their support among richest parts remained stable. Indicates decline of influence of old right-wing elites.
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
7. Even if Lula wins, he will face very different situation than before. His popularity is lower, his electoral mandate partly based on ousting Bolsonaro, as world is facing energy crisis.
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
This time around, his opposition is not just in corridors of power but also in streets.
8. Although both Bolsonaro and Trump loose after one term, they do so very narrowly, and mostly because of a freak cause (the pandemic). Four years of corruption and incompetence have done little to their support though.
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
9. I think this says a lot, and perhaps most, about how disliked the main alternative is (PT/Dems). People increasingly vote against rather than for. Which further weakens support and legitimacy of both governments and the system as a whole.
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
10. Moreover, based on US experience, expect the right to further radicalize rather than moderate. And to be very competitive again in 4 years.
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月2日
In other words, a #Lula victory in second round will be the winning of a battle, not the war. #TheEnd #Eleicoes2022 #Brazil
Final result was #Lula at 48.5% and 5% lead over #Bolsonaro in #ELEICOES2022
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月3日
My views remain as in this #thread with note that it is even worse because the (far) right did really well in Senate too. https://t.co/Jfgwc0tov3 pic.twitter.com/J0pz7X9hqd
Polls in #Brazil were WAY OFF and that is troubling for:
— Cas Mudde (@CasMudde) 2022年10月3日
- 2nd round predictions
- US midterm predictions
- BRA/US democracy
Main problem for pollsters is no longer "shy" but "secluded" far-right supporters, who reject all interaction with mainstream.
Pic by @BrazilBrian pic.twitter.com/TQ0CzNzk6R
Main problem for pollsters is no longer "shy" but "secluded" far-right supporters, who reject all interaction with mainstream.